quarta-feira, 27 de abril de 2011


Daylington was friend of the it is to 2 years, studies in the 7th series and already had the relationship with the friend of the érika Jaíne,
Daylington is 17 years old 
a brother with the weligton name
Dayligton is a lot of érika friend 
 Dayligton i living room in Brazil, São Paulo (Capital) 
 Name: Daylington Pereira Nunes 
Age: 17 years 
Series: 7th series, 8° year 
likes of: To play ball and of the Èrika kkkk 
Dayligton is a nice boy, clown, friend, and it likes soccer a lot, Dayligton doesn't like when great friend Èrika, Daylington already dated Fernanda (Mila Kunis), Jaíne, Èrica Fernandes and supposedly Ana Paula, but it Nests denies her 
Daylington is also a great friend of Dhiorgilins, the two when studied together they spoke that were dated, and Daylington told me that he and Dhiorgilins are a lot of friends and that love each other a lot of kkkk 
That friendship is eterna
We got the orkuts of healthy Dayligton well those: 1- http://www.orkut.com.br/Main#Profile?uid=17746558229211156604
All Daylington lost the password!
 Well that is great Daylington 

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