quarta-feira, 27 de abril de 2011


Daylington was friend of the it is to 2 years, studies in the 7th series and already had the relationship with the friend of the érika Jaíne,
Daylington is 17 years old 
a brother with the weligton name
Dayligton is a lot of érika friend 
 Dayligton i living room in Brazil, São Paulo (Capital) 
 Name: Daylington Pereira Nunes 
Age: 17 years 
Series: 7th series, 8° year 
likes of: To play ball and of the Èrika kkkk 
Dayligton is a nice boy, clown, friend, and it likes soccer a lot, Dayligton doesn't like when great friend Èrika, Daylington already dated Fernanda (Mila Kunis), Jaíne, Èrica Fernandes and supposedly Ana Paula, but it Nests denies her 
Daylington is also a great friend of Dhiorgilins, the two when studied together they spoke that were dated, and Daylington told me that he and Dhiorgilins are a lot of friends and that love each other a lot of kkkk 
That friendship is eterna
We got the orkuts of healthy Dayligton well those: 1- http://www.orkut.com.br/Main#Profile?uid=17746558229211156604
All Daylington lost the password!
 Well that is great Daylington 

segunda-feira, 25 de abril de 2011

galley! incredible today I had a conversation with Èrika Jackson for the msn and her said that also loved  fãns and gave me a picture only for me am very happy! 
I Love You Èrika

sexta-feira, 22 de abril de 2011

glimpses with érika

interviewer: Would you prefer to swim in a swimming pool or in the sea?
érika: I don't have that preference.
Would you prefer to swim in a swimming pool or in the sea?
érika: I don't have that preference.
 interviewer: If you could have the infinite supply of some food, which would you choose?
 érika: Lazanha
interviewer: Which was his/her first work pay?
érika: I never worked
interviewer: Would you prefer to be a famous musician or a famous actor?
érika:  singer and famous actress.
interviewer: Who is the sexier alive woman?
érika: my mother.
interviewer:  Do you have some scar? Is it had, as it was acquired?
érika:  yes, in the leg. I cut in the mirror when it was very small
interviewer: Which would the best thing be of a vampire to be?
érika: That he doesn't already die being dead!
interviewer: Which was her favorite toy of the childhood?
érika:  I don't remember!
interviewer:  Do you believe in ghosts?
érika:   No.
interviewer: Which is the domestic task that you more it hates to accomplish?
érika: To do the dishes, still more when have just made the nails.
interviewer: why do all say that vc who began with their fakes?
érika:  I didn't begin anything, those people have habit of speaking things that nor they know through where began, nor I know how it began my pictures appear for oh, when I felt bill already had thousands of fakes and donations and etc using my pictures and oh it was where I had to go to bed of the orkut for a good time, and up to now I don't have him more!
interviewer:  first kiss: love or curiosity?
érika:  It was for fun and nothing else!
interviewer: The worst mistake than a person can comenter with you?
érika: I think the falsehood, to listen something here and already going reviewing a thing that nor is concerned her. Falsehood is the worst thing in the life of anybody.
interviewer: Does the time turn off everything, less?
érika: The time doesn't turn off anything, what was for back they will always be reminded being a thing good or bad but it had been, and that only teaches us to grow and to strengthen.
interviewer:  In her point of view, what is essential so that a right relationship in the days today?
érika: I have faith that the trust né, she don't exist trust of both parts doesn't have as a relationship to walk and that ends up hurting the involved people.
interviewer: To lose smiling or to win crying?
érika: To lose smiling, that shows that nor all win né, one day some win others lose and so forth it goes, and it doesn't win other opportunities now will come and to lose with dignity turns the strongest person!
interviewer: Does the music get to change her humor?
érika:  Depending on the music yes.
interviewer: are you a revengeful person?
érika:  In my opnião I have faith that no, because me leaning that revenge is not taken the any thing, not to be to the bottom of the I can and that silence sees him a worse person, I don't know how to be like this!
interviewer: Is it true that you want that you/they stop with that fcos, fakes, and their donations?
érika:  Me never of that that, me short a lot the people's affection with me and I don't have anything against, unless they use fakes going by me and denecrindo my image for oh, but they are using in a correct way that no va to harm I am appreciated and oh it can continue with the fakes. But I don't want them to end and nor anything and yes that respect me!
interviewer: are you very beautiful, some beauty secret?
érika: I already said optics illusion kkkk
interviewer:  do you like djavu?
érika: I hate!
interviewer: an actress that adimira?
érika: aline morais Brazilian actress 
interviewer:  If you could just hear a music next month, which would be?
érika: michael jackson - cry
interviewer: Would you prefer encounters with several different people or to be in a committed relationship?
érika: If I am dating prefer to be with the boyfriend, if it is single I prefer to leave with the friends.
interviewer: If you could be similar to anybody, with who it would be?
érika: beyoncé
interviewer: Which was the strangest present than you already received?
érika: a panties kkkk
interviewer: Are you considered a good dancer?
érika: I have faith that no = /
interviewer:  Do you believe in destiny?
érika: No, I believe in the chance!
interviewer: Which was her present of favorite birthday?
érika:  I don't remember in the moment
interviewer: Would you prefer vacations in the beach or in the mountain?
érika:   Beach = they will see / Mountain = winter.
interviewer:  How many languages do you speak?
érika:  Only English in the moment.
interviewer:  If you could attend just a television program, which would be?
érika: mtv
interviewer:  If you could be the master in any ability, which would be?
érika: to fly, because it should be a sensation very it exalts.
interviewer: Would you prefer to be an I buzzed or a mummy?
érika: Any nor the other.
interviewer: Would you prefer to swim in a swimming pool or in the sea?
érika:  I don't have that preference.
interviewer:  What message would you put in a cookie of the luck?
érika:  her life is limited. Don't waste time living another person's " life.
interviewer: in search of happiness?
érika: I am not in the search no, I know that on time I find her.
interviewer: an actor that finds beautiful? 
érika: brad pitt
interviewer: does like selena gomez? 
 érika: not a lot, I prefer the miley cyrus 
interviewer: justin bieber or jonas brothers? 
 érika: justin bieber 

érika jackson makes model book